Figures released by the British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS) for 2022 show that British Wagyu, known for its highly marbled premium beef, has increased its numbers by 27% on the year. The figures, for beef cattle born in England, Wales & Scotland, reveal over 17,000 Wagyu-sired calves were born in 2022. Of these, 15,933 were crossbred (sired by a Wagyu bull) and 1,150 purebred or Fullblood - totalling 17,083 head of Wagyu animals when compared to 13,457 in 2021. Please click HERE for full breakdown.

Chris Dickinson

Says WBA Director Chris Dickinson: “It’s great to see British Wagyu numbers continuing to grow year-on-year and a further sign that Wagyu in the UK is much more than just a ‘fad’. The profile of the breed has risen dramatically over the past 2-3 years and is now a significant player in the UK beef industry. As both Wagyu producer and WBA Director, I can’t wait to see where we can get to in the coming years.”