meat grading 

MIJ Grading

Meat Image Japan (MIJ) carcase camera technology was introduced to the UK in November 2021 though a partnership with Meat Imaging USA. The MIJ mobile camera objectively assesses marbling score and fineness, meat and fat colour and ribeye area among many other traits. By downloading an APP to your smartphone and attaching a simple-to-use light source cradle, you simply take photos of the rib eye. The image is translated into data and recorded onto the smartphone database with your own unique password-protected access. Data can then be linked back into ABRI’s Breedplan Performance Recording system to aid breeding decisions and genetic improvement. A stated aim is to have a global Wagyu evaluation to drive improvement, performance and profitability.


The British Wagyu Association has teamed up with its partner the Australian Wagyu Association (AWA) to bring MIJ hardware and software to UK users. Please contact AWA specialist Aaron van der Heuvel ( to talk you through the system and costings. Or ask Richard Saunders ( about MIJ technology. See also for videos of MIJ in action.